Art and Creativity

Art is important for children especially during their early development. Research shows that art activities develop brain capacity in early childhood; in other words, art is good brain food! Art engages children’s senses in open-ended play and develops cognitive, social-emotional and multi-sensory skills. As children progress into elementary school and beyond, art continues to provide opportunities for brain development, mastery, self esteem and creativity.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Open-Ended Art, Part 1 - Video

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Spray Liquid Watercolor

Do you like to spray paint? Debbie Glicksman of Los Angeles created a beautiful challah cover (left). Isn't it lovely? The cover began with me spraying her hands with watercolor as she held them over her fabric. You can adapt the same process easily with children.

First, gather white fabric scraps or yardage, stretch over rolled up newpapers and secure with pushpins to create a smooth working surface, then get out Liquid Watercolor(tm) in spray bottles and begin to play. Use your hands as stencils and add other stencils you make yourself by cutting shapes out of file folders. Finish by adding details with puffy paint or permanent markers. When you paint with Liquid Watercolor(tm) remember that it's a completely washable paint, so think fabric wall hangings and process oriented art. This is a great project for outdoor art while the weather is warm.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Coco-Nutty Creations

Coco-Nutty CreationsPerhaps the ultimate recycled artform! I found these creative creatures scattered on a park lawn near the beach and had to snap a photo of this guy in particular. Isn't he charming? Some creative soul made great use of the coconut husks that had fallen from nearby palm trees.

Why not look around YOUR environment and use this as an inspiration. Take a nature walk with your children and see what you can create from rocks, pinecones, driftwood, and your own particular natural resources.