Handmade Gift Wrap

As the school year drew to a recent close, my daughter bought little gifts for her teachers, which I was happy to support. To further encourage her generosity, I suggested she create handmade gift wrap paper for each of her presents. I know from being a teacher and a mom, that a child’s “personal touch” has great value. So with the goal of pleasing her teachers and encouraging her creativity,

Try this sometime you have a group of presents to wrap. At just $7.99 for a 4’ x 10’ piece of soft mural art material, you get 40 square feet of wrapping paper to decorate - pretty economical gift wrap, indeed!
This was a fun way to make practical use of a “Color Spray Mural,” one of the lesson plans from Smart Art. Find the Color Spray Mural PDF listed under Lesson Plans on this blog.